Buckstone Primary School Parent Council is a group of school parents and carers, voted in to represent the Parent Forum (collectively, the parents and carers of the pupils attending the school and the ELC).
Our Parent Council exists in the context of Scotland-wide government legislation and guidance for parental engagement with schools, and a framework of support from the City of Edinburgh Council. We are members of Connect, the Scottish membership organisation for Parent Councils.
Under its constitution, the aims of the Buckstone Primary School Parent Council are:
Promoting close co-operation and communication between parents/carers and school staff;
Promoting co-operation and communication between the school, parents/carers and the community and such other person as it feels would be appropriate;
Promoting equality and fairness;
The study and discussion of matters of mutual interest relating to the education and welfare of pupils;
Engaging in activities which support and advance the education and experience of pupils attending the school;
Attracting funds and resources by engaging in activities and accepting donations;
Distributing held funds and resources for the benefit of BPS pupils.
What we do
Maintain contact with the Parent Forum via meetings (and publishing the minutes of these meetings), events, email, this website, a Facebook page, via the school’s Groupcall & Homelink communications and via the Parent Council Class Reps supported by WhatsApp and Facebook groups.
Act on behalf of the Parent Forum to support the school in developing priorities and improvements and strong home-school partnerships.
Support opportunities for parental involvement and engagement with school life.
Support the Parent Forum to share their views and opinions on education matters that are important to all (this does not replace one-to-one interactions between parents and the school about their own child).
Support the inclusion of all pupils.
Support the recruitment of senior school staff.
Support community and business links with the school and Parent Forum.
Occasionally represent the views of the Parent Forum on a city-wide or national level.
Fundraising to benefit the learning and experience of the pupils.
Ensure the proper financial management of our funds.
Run other activities as required.
Parent Council currently includes the following voting members:
Four Office Bearers - Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. Office-bearers are elected for a minimum term of two school years.
Class Reps linking the class and Parent Council - one or more parents representing each class, and one rep for ELC. Class reps are elected on a yearly basis and can take on the role for one year or a number of years.
Parents who deliver the various Parent Council sub-groups and activities These members are elected on a yearly basis and may take on the role for one year or a number of years.
Co-opted members - Parent Council also includes the following co-opted, non-voting members: the Head Teacher, Depute Head Teachers and a rotation of other school staff, and a local councillor.
A list of current Parent Council members can be found here.
Data Protection and Privacy
We are in the process of reviewing Parent Council’s Data Protection and Privacy processes across our activities, and drafting up-to-date policies. If you have any immediate concerns, please contact our Chair Alice Kirk on parentcouncilbuckstone@gmail.com