OUR Meetings

All parents and carers of children attending the school and ELC are very welcome to attend Buckstone Primary School Parent Council meetings, and the meetings are a great way to find out more about school life and issues affecting your child. Typically, Parent Council holds five meetings per school year. This includes the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in September and four ordinary meetings.

Some meetings are held at the school and some meetings are held online. Agendas and meetings links are sent out by the school during the week running up to the meeting. There are house-keeping rules which the Chair will explain at the start of each meeting. The Secretary is responsible for taking the meeting minutes. The minutes are circulated to all parents by the school and published on this website.

At AGMs, all Parent Forum members in attendance are entitled to vote. At Ordinary Meetings, only Parent Council members have a vote. Co-opted members, including the Head Teacher, attend but do not have a vote.

The Parent Council Constitution gives more information about how meetings are run, and the Code of Conduct outlines the expected conduct of members and attendees.

The remaining meeting date in the current school year are:

  • Thursday 8th May 2025 6.30pm – format tbc

Meeting Minutes

  • Minutes to follow

  • Minutes to follow