
Office Bearers

Chair: Alice Kirk

Vice Chair: Karen Armstrong

Treasurer: Alex Barrett

Secretary: Christine Stewart

Subgroups & Activities

Fundraising: Alex Barrett, Kirsten Downing

Playground Committee: Jeremy Viner (Chair), Sarah Eynon, Nick Prior, Kirsty Sloan

Pre-loved School Uniform: Hannah Baillie, Heather Jacobson

Football Coordinators: Fiona Morrison, Ross Morrison

Skiing Coordinator: Emma Erskine

Class Reps

ELC (Early Learning & Childcare / Nursery): Kirsten Downing

P1R: Rebecca Brass and Iram Ulhaq

P1B: Eddie Naper

P2B: Audrey Baird

P2D: Anna Morton

P3LM: Claire Cockburn

P3M: Alison Gallagher

P4NH: Karen Armstrong and Nicole Johnston

P4S: Rebecca Wright

P5B: Catriona Lyon and Sophie Scott-Smith

P5M: Claire Cockburn and Valeria Skafida

P6F: Vacancy

P6R: Vacancy

P7H and P7Y: Hannah Baillie, Nicole Johnston, Claire Probert and Devon Taylor

Co-opted Members

School: Caroline Ashbrook, Head Teacher, the Deputy Head and Principal Teachers, and a rotation of other school staff

Local councillor: to be appointed